Ohio Fed Announces New Member Benefit: The Ohio Fed Member Resource Directory
July 19, 2023 Use the directory to connect with other Ohio Fed members - locally or statewide - when you need assistance or support.
To use the directory:
Visit our website and click "Log In" at the top. If you don't know your login, go through the steps to reset your password as if you forgot it.
Once logged in, hover over the Resources tab and click "Resource Directory."
Enter a simple search term in the "search" field, such as county or shelter/organization name, to return basic results. Or, click "Advanced Search" to search on any number of fields such as ability to investigate animal abuse, ability to facilitate transfers or hours of operation, or to connect with other members by type (humane society, dog warden, 501(c)3 rescue and others).
The directory was designed for use only by Ohio Fed members, not the general public. The information contained in the directory was provided by the admin for your Ohio Fed membership and can be updated in that person's profile. Members can access the Resource Directory here.
Ohio Fed Board Approves Statement on Diversity & InclusionThe Ohio Animal Welfare Federation values the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the animal welfare field in Ohio. We believe that our member organizations’ staff teams and boards of directors should reflect the communities they serve in order to provide the most relevant and impactful programs and services. We are offering resources and learning opportunities for our members that are designed to help eradicate systemic discrimination and racism wherever they may exist in animal welfare organizations in Ohio. We believe it is important to prioritize this issue throughout the year, every year and we are committed to helping our members through this journey.
Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Ohio Animal Welfare Federation on August 5, 2020
See our Diversity & Inclusion page for resources.

Ohio Fed Board Urges Support of Suspending S/N Surgeries
April 1, 2020
The U.S. Surgeon General recently requested that human and animal organizations suspend all ‘elective’ surgeries. This request, reiterated by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, was made first and foremost to comply with social distancing requirements, and to preserve personal protective equipment (PPE) and other critical medical supplies. In response, the ASPCA and NACA issued statements stating that during this crisis, shelters should exercise liberal discretion, where allowed by law, to adopt or place unaltered animals, particularly where placement is necessary to avoid euthanasia or where essential staffing levels are reduced due to COVID-19. To emphasize, any temporary cessation of pre-adoption spay/neuter should not be a reason to euthanize animals. The Ohio Animal Welfare Federation (Ohio Fed) Board of Directors supports these statements in full.
While shelters certainly need to do their part to preserve PPE, at this time the inability to adequately and reliably adhere to social distancing guidelines during all spay/neuter surgeries is as much of a driving factor in this request to temporarily cease all elective surgeries as preserving PPE.
There are options to consider for adopting out an unaltered pet during this crisis:
- Provide vouchers for future use to get the pet spayed or neutered at your shelter as they usually would have been pre-adoption.
- Utilize ‘foster-to-adopt’ agreements, which enable the animal to live with their new family without being officially ‘adopted’ until they are later altered at your shelter or by another provider.
- Provide a list of low cost spay and neuter services in the community that can be utilized once those services are once again operational.
Ohio Fed represents humane societies, municipal animal control agencies, county dog wardens and 501(c)(3) rescue organizations. While these organizations may take slightly different paths and carry out their missions in varying ways, we all share our dedication and determination to continuing to save animals’ lives, to keeping people and their pets together, and continuing to stop animal cruelty and neglect. Adopting out unaltered animals may feel wrong, as it is counter intuitive to our fundamental mission, but we must come together in this time of crisis and do what is right for the greater good.
Be well and stay safe – and wash your paws.
New Rules for Animal Shelters with Terminal Distributor Licenses Go Into Effect March 1, 2020
December 17, 2019
Members and friends of the Ohio Animal Welfare Federation have worked closely with the Ohio Board of Pharmacy since May as they drafted updates to their rules for animal shelters that hold terminal distributor licenses for handling dangerous drugs. The new rules passed the Ohio Board of Pharmacy last month, and go into effect March 1, 2020. We wish to thank the Ohio Board of Pharmacy for including us in this important process, the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association for their important input and collaboration, and of course our members who came out to voice their concerns and offer suggestions for improvement.
Access the Inspection Guide here.

Ohio Animal Cruelty Law Enforcement Manual Now Available
April 5, 2019
Animal cruelty has been a crime in Ohio for more than 140 years. Yet the subject remains misunderstood by many courts, prosecutors, attorneys, the press, and even law enforcement officers.
The purpose of this manual is to remove some of the mystery and confusion by providing clear explanations, simple standards, and an easy reference for humane agents and other law enforcement officers involved in the investigation and prosecution of animal cruelty, neglect, and abandonment. For more information, click here.

Ohio Federated Humane Societies is now Ohio Animal Welfare Federation
December 12, 2018
We are excited to announce that Ohio Federated Humane Societies is now doing business as the Ohio Animal Welfare Federation (Ohio Fed).
Our new name reflects recent changes to our Code of Regulations that make us a more inclusive organization. Now not only humane societies, but also municipal/county animal control agencies, 501(c)3 animal welfare organizations and rescues are welcome to join Ohio Fed as full, voting Organizational Members. We hope you will consider joining us as we enter this new, exciting era for Ohio Fed.
Together, we are stronger. Together, we can accomplish great things for the animal welfare community and companion animals in need in our state. With your help, Ohio Fed can:
- Prevent cruelty to animals by coordinating and enlarging the efforts of the animal care and welfare movement in Ohio;
- Provide training and resources to assist animal care and welfare organizations in delivering services in the most efficient, effective ways;
- Share information with the administrative and legislative branches of government and other stakeholders about the humane treatment of animals and their value to humans; and
- Encourage cooperative, supportive, and collaborative relationships among humane societies, animal control facilities, and other animal welfare organizations.
Individually, our organizations work to improve the lives of companion animals in Ohio. Just think what we can accomplish together. Won’t you join us?